Frequently asked questions.
How does the sign up process work?
For all private in-home training, Around Town private training, behavior counseling, and all custom training packages, we start with an intake and assessment designed to get to know you, your dog, your situation, your goals, and budget. This allows us to cater specific services and protocols to your unique situation. Intake & Assessment appointments are 90 minutes for puppies and 2 hours for dogs over 6 months and include a full history taking, management instructions, beginning problem solving for urgent issues, 15-30 minutes of foundation training at the end of the session. Click here to request an appointment for your Intake & Assessment.
For Adventure Days membership and Adventure Club membership, a trial session is required prior to being able to book your membership. Click here to book a trial for Adventure Days. Click here to book a trial for Adventure Club.
Puppy Day Camp is available for direct sign up as long as your puppy is 10-20 weeks old and has at least 1 round of vaccinations. Click here to sign up for Puppy Day Camp.
Unsure which service is right for you? Click here to book a phone call!
Do you offer a guarantee?
Learning anything new and changing behaviors for both dogs, and humans takes time, energy, and money. We completely understand not having a guarantee and a clear outcome of the results you will see can feel risky. We would love to make a promise that training would fix all of your problems, but that is neither accurate or ethical. In fact, guaranteeing training or behavior results violates the Code of Ethics our team members agree to when joining the professional organizations to which we belong: The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.
Every dog is an individual, with unique genes and experiences, including in utero environment, early socialization (or the lack thereof), the timing of weaning and at what stage a puppy is separated from the mother, previous learned behaviors & experiences, health, and countless other factors that influence behavior. There are many other factors on the owners and environment side of things the influence the results from training and behavior modification as well such as owner commitment & skill level, and the current environment the dog is living in (a dog living out in the country on a farm will have a much different experience that a dog living in an apartment in the city).
The good news is that with a targeted, science-based plan, canine behavior issues can be addressed, managed and mitigated, and frequently entirely solved. Here at NonStop Dog we pride ourselves in staying up to date on all of the modern science based behavior modification, training techniques, and canine behavior studies.
We guarantee that we will treat both you and your dog with kindness and without judgement. We believe that everyone is doing the best they can with the information that they have.
We guarantee that we will be honest and upfront. This might mean that we have to tell you something that you don’t want to hear. We always do our best to deliver information with kindness.
We guarantee that if you’re all in so are we! We love getting serious about training and will be with you every step of the way.
We guarantee that our training methods will always be centered around humane treatment, clear communication, quality of life for both the dog and owner(s), and effective skill building.
How many sessions does it take to “fix” a problem?
It depends! There isn’t even an meaningful average for training. There’s a saying, “Every case is a study of one.” Every dog, family, team, and goal is a unique combination of variables that change over time. It takes an average of 12 weeks of consistent teaching and managing to start to create new habits and learning. Learning is also a lifelong process that has to be reinforced. We are confident we can give you some rapid relief from your most urgent concerns and a good understanding of why behavior occurs and what it means. Our goal is help you and your dog live “Happy Together;” and we want to accomplish that in as efficient, effective, and enjoyable manner as possible.