At NonStop Dog, we love spicy dogs! We know it can be challenging to navigate the human and canine world when you have a spicy meatball on the end of your leash and in your home; we have the skills and experience to help you not only survive but thrive as a team. 

For Veterinary Clinics

At NonStop Dog, we love spicy dogs! The ones that have big personalities and needs that might send other professionals running. We love Big Feelings, “reactivity,” hyperarousal, barrier frustration and aggression, “high drive,” resource guarding, protective, etc. dogs. Not only that, but we also understand the challenges your clients face while navigating the human and canine world. It’s far from easy when they have a spicy meatball on the end of their leash, in their home and in your veterinary clinic. Not to worry though, we have the “secret sauce” (skills and experience) to help your clients not only survive but thrive as a team. 

We work together through a variety of services to help harness your client and patient’s strengths and mitigate or shore up weaknesses so they can better enjoy spending time together. First we identify problems and triggers, enact a management plan, and set expectations and boundaries. Next we focus on behavior change and building new skills. At NonStop Dog we believe that strong reinforcement strategies are the cornerstone of a successful behavior modification program. Allowing us to build and maintain behaviors and bring clarity to communication. Which not only gives the human side of the equation confidence and direction, but also relieves frustration and curates joyful, willing responsiveness from their dog. Transforming spicy dogs and distressed clients into cohesive teams who can thrive in their daily life is our favorite thing to do.

At the same time, we know that clinics like yours are important and vital partners in this work. A study by Mills et al found that around 80% of the dogs they saw for behavior problems had some level of pain. We understand that without proper diagnosis and treatment of pain and other medical conditions all of our hard work above will be wasted. Our clients and their dogs can’t achieve behavioral wellness without the hard work of you and your staff. This is why partnerships are so important. Together we can help dogs be easier and safer to treat in the clinic through cooperative care, gather more observations and data for diagnostics or get our client’s dogs into the clinic at the FIRST sign of a problem, and help our clients achieve behavioral wellness for their dogs so they live happy lives together. I hope to be a part of your clients’ team and yours in the future!